Hearing our voice when you don’t work directly with us

There are lots of people that work in the Trust and its partners that do not have any contact with us. We think that it is important that anyone working for an organisation that supports children and young people understands what we think and how we feel, and there are ways that we can work together to make this happen.

When you think about it, there is a child, a young person or a family that will be impacted by everything you do. This means that we could help you to check that the way you do things works for us.

We have thought about some examples and listed them below.

Whatever part of the Trust you work in, we would love to help you make things better. You can speak to the Voice Team about how we can do this.

Making sure we get any money that you give to us

Helping us get copies of the information that is written about us

Making sure there are enough social workers and other staff to look after us

All the work that is done to find us safe places to live

Making sure we have nice buildings to go to

Dealing with our complaints and other questions

Writing up all the notes from meetings

Answering the phones