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Social Worker

Your social worker is an employee of Sandwell Children’s Trust and works in children’s trust.

Their role is to keep you safe, happy and healthy and help you to do well in school. Your social worker will visit and speak to you during their visit. They will listen to you and work with you towards your care plan.

Your social worker will attend your looked after child (LAC) reviews, personal education plan (PEP) meetings, health checks and any other meetings about you that your foster carer may need support with.

Your social worker should listen to your wishes and feelings and see how these can be best met.

If you are able to have contact with family and friends, your social worker should support this. They will also do any assessments and arrange help that you may need.

Your social worker is the person you should be able to talk to about anything and not feel scared or intimidated by them. Don’t forget, they are there to help you.

Supervising Social Worker (SSW)

Your foster carer will also have a supervising social worker (SSW) who will visit to make sure all is going well in your placement. They will support your carer in keeping you safe and happy. They will attend foster carer reviews and, just before the review, they will ask you to fill in some paperwork, which will be shared at the review.

The SSW will carry out training with your carers to help them care for you and any other child they are caring for. They will also speak to you to make sure all is going well with the placement during their visit.