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For children and young people with a disability

Here you will find details of your rights, the services you are entitled to as well as guidance and advice services you can access.

The Local SEND Offer

Our vision for children and young people in Sandwell with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is that they will be able to achieve their aspiration for a healthy ordinary life through meaningful employment and fulfilling relationships within the community of their choosing.

To help with achieving this vision the Local Authority has produced, as required by law, a ‘Local Offer‘ which sets out the support they expect to be available for children and young people in Sandwell with special educational needs and disabilities.

Click here to read more on the Local Offer on Sandwell MBC website

Inclusion Support Team

Inclusion support works across Sandwell to improve the education, learning, development and mental health and wellbeing of all children and young people. (ages 0 – 25) with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable and / or have special educational needs.

Sandwell Transformation Service

The Sandwell Transformation Service provide Information and advice with preparing child/adult to move towards adulthood. Or a child/adults aged 14 – 25 with Special Educations Needs and Disabilities.

Telephone: 0845 352 1725

Document Downloads

Children with disabilities policy (August 2023)

Sandwell Local Area Partnership Inclusion Plan
SEND and Alternative Provision 2023-2026

Short Break Offer

Some links you may find useful

Know Your Rights

The Convention on the Rights of the Child explains who children are, all their rights, and the responsibilities of governments.

Local Offer (SEND)

Our vision for children and young people in Sandwell with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is that they will be able to achieve their aspiration for a healthy ordinary life through meaningful employment and fulfilling relationships within the community of their choosing.

Parents Voices United

Sandwell Parents Voices United are an independent group of parents and carers working together to raise awareness of, and aspire to improve outcomes, for children and young people with SEND in Sandwell.