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Voices of Sandwell

Voices of Sandwell is a group of young people that are in the care of Sandwell Children’s Trust. It is a place to get involved in lots of exciting projects and learn new skills.

  • Are you 11-17yrs old and want to make a difference?
  • Got something to say?
  • Your voice matters!

As a group WE:

  • Listen to what young people have to say about being in the care of Sandwell Children’s Trust
  • Tell decision makers at Sandwell Children’s Trust about what works or doesn’t work in our lives
  • Involve young people in events, groups and meetings to improve services in the future
  • Provide young people with the chance to have their voices heard by different professionals
  • Have the opportunity to make a difference and change how services are run for the better
  • Raise our concerns at Corporate Parenting Board
  • Have a lot of fun too!


You could edit newsletters / run sessions / come up with new ways to help others and get them involved!

Want to know more or get involved?

If you are interested in having your say and would like more information about F.I.Y.A please get in touch by sending an email to