For children who are being support at home
This section explains what support is available to you and your family and what each service means to you.
You may have a social worker or a family support worker who will be more than happy to discuss any of your concerns and answer any questions you may have.
You will find links below explaining services and help on offer from the Trust and a wide range of providers.

Family Group Conferencing (FGC)
This is where a child’s family and friends come together to make a plan to help the child. It’s where everyone gets a chance to share their ideas.
Quality and Assurance Safeguarding Unit (QAS)
The Quality Assurance and safeguarding unit compromises of 4 distinct areas of work within the Trust
Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs) are appointed to work with children who are looked after by the Trust.
The main role is to ensure that the plans for children and young people are appropriate, and progress without drifting and without delaying permanent arrangements being in place for the child.
Fostering Independent Reviewing Officers (FIROs) are appointed to review the care provided to children who are looked after by Foster Carers working for Sandwell Children’s Trust Independent Fostering Agency (IFA). They chair Foster Carer Annual Review meetings and ensure that the care given to a child by the foster carer’s meetings fostering National Minimum Standards.
The role of LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) is to co-ordinate the response to concerns that an adult who works with children may have caused them or could cause them harm. LADO gives advice and guidance to employers, organisations and other individuals in Sandwell who have concerns about the behaviour of an adult who works with children and young people in Sandwell.